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T.I 여러분! 국제적 시민단체 빅브라더상에 전파무기 & 갱스토킹 범죄를 제보합시다

sos8282 2024. 5. 5. 08:39

한국에서도 2005년도에 국제적 시민단체 프라이버시 인터내셔널 조직위가 만들어져 홈페이지를 운영했습니다. 그러나 국정원에 의해 한국 빅브라더상 흠페이지는 체 1년도 안되어서 폭격을 맞은 듯 처참한 모습으로 폐쇄되어 버렸습니다

홈페이지 폭격과 폐쇄의 빌미는 나에 집요한 제보와 빅브라더상 홈페이지 상에 국가 조직범죄 생체실험을 영상과 함께 게제함으로 해서 "내 귀에 도청장치 사건에 대하여 빅브라더상을 수여했기 때문입니다.

한국에 모든 T.I 여러분!
우리 모두 힘을 합쳐 국내 비인권적 그리고 반인륜적 T.I 범죄에 빅브라더상을 수여합니다.


< 전세계 빅부라더상 공개 사이트 >  
- Big Brother Awards International -



Big Brother Awards International

Government agencies and private companies are increasingly violating the privacy of people everywhere. Enormous amounts of personal data are being collected, stored and processed - often illegally - in the pursuit of more efficient marketing, greater socia


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quintessenz.at - Datenschutz ist Menschenrecht - Light into Darkness - online

Light into Darkness - online If you are in possession of doquments befitting to be published at quintessenz.org, please upload pdf, txt, html, doc and other files here. There is no immediate publishing, all doquments will be reviewed and if necessary cover


귓속도청장치는 국가정보원에 짓이라며 폭로하고 있는 빅부라더 상